Why Might One Get Conflicts When Trying to Rebasing or Merging in Git from Upstream?
Image by Azhar - hkhazo.biz.id

Why Might One Get Conflicts When Trying to Rebasing or Merging in Git from Upstream?

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As a developer, you’ve probably encountered the frustrating situation where you’re trying to rebase or merge from an upstream repository in Git, only to be met with conflicts that seem to come out of nowhere. You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll delve into the reasons behind these conflicts and provide you with practical solutions to overcome them.

What are Rebasing and Merging in Git?

Before we dive into the reasons behind conflicts, let’s quickly review what rebasing and merging are in Git. Both are essential Git operations that help you incorporate changes from an upstream repository into your local repository.


Rebasing in Git is a process of re-applying your local commits on top of the latest changes from an upstream repository. It’s like re-writing your local commit history to incorporate the new changes. Rebasing is useful when you want to keep your local branch linear and clear of unnecessary merge commits.

git pull --rebase origin main


Merging in Git is a process of combining two branches into one. When you merge, Git creates a new merge commit that points to the latest commit on both branches. Merging is useful when you want to preserve the commit history of both branches.

git pull origin main
git merge origin/main

Why Do Conflicts Occur During Rebasing or Merging?

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s explore the reasons behind conflicts during rebasing or merging.

Reason 1: Concurrent Changes

One of the most common reasons for conflicts is when multiple developers make changes to the same code simultaneously. When you try to rebase or merge, Git detects these concurrent changes and throws a conflict.

Imagine two developers, Alice and Bob, working on the same file:

// Alice's changes
function greet(name) {
  console.log("Hello, " + name + "!");

// Bob's changes
function greet(name) {
  console.log("Hi, " + name + "!");

When Alice tries to rebase her changes on top of Bob’s, Git detects the conflict and stops the rebase process.

Reason 2: Non-Fast-Forward Updates

Another reason for conflicts is when an upstream repository has non-fast-forward updates. A non-fast-forward update occurs when the upstream repository has changes that don’t build upon the current tip of your local branch.

Imagine an upstream repository with the following commit history:

A - B - C (upstream/main)
      D - E (local/main)

When you try to rebase your local branch on top of the upstream branch, Git detects the non-fast-forward update and throws a conflict.

Reason 3: History Rewriting

History rewriting can also cause conflicts during rebasing or merging. When you rebase or merge, Git rewrites the commit history to incorporate the new changes. If the rewritten history conflicts with the original history, Git throws a conflict.

git rebase -i HEAD~3

In this example, the rebase operation rewrites the last three commits, which can cause conflicts if the rewritten history conflicts with the original history.

How to Resolve Conflicts During Rebasing or Merging

Now that we’ve covered the reasons behind conflicts, let’s explore the steps to resolve them.

Step 1: Identify the Conflicts

When Git detects a conflict, it stops the rebase or merge process and alerts you to the conflicts. You can identify the conflicting files using:

git status

This command lists the files with conflicts.

Step 2: Edit the Conflicting Files

Open the conflicting files and edit them to resolve the conflicts. You can use your favorite editor or Git’s built-in editor:

git mergetool

This command opens a graphical merge tool that helps you resolve conflicts.

Step 3: Mark the Conflicts as Resolved

Once you’ve resolved the conflicts, mark them as resolved using:

git add 

This command stages the resolved file.

Step 4: Continue the Rebasing or Merging Process

After resolving all conflicts, you can continue the rebasing or merging process:

git rebase --continue

This command continues the rebase process, applying the remaining commits.

Best Practices to Avoid Conflicts

To avoid conflicts during rebasing or merging, follow these best practices:

Communicate with Your Team

Communication is key to avoiding conflicts. Make sure your team knows when you’re making changes to a file or branch.

Use Branching Strategies

Implement a branching strategy that ensures changes are reviewed and approved before being merged into the main branch.

Use Pull Requests

Use pull requests to review and discuss changes before merging them into the main branch.

Rebase Frequently

Rebase your local branch frequently to ensure you’re working with the latest changes from the upstream repository.

Use Git Hooks

Use Git hooks to enforce commit message formats, coding standards, and other best practices that prevent conflicts.


In this article, we’ve explored the reasons behind conflicts during rebasing or merging in Git. We’ve also covered the steps to resolve conflicts and provided best practices to avoid them in the first place. By following these guidelines, you’ll be well on your way to resolving conflicts and maintaining a clean and linear commit history.

Remember, conflicts are a natural part of the Git development process. With patience, practice, and the right strategies, you’ll become a master of conflict resolution and Git workflows.

Keyword Description
Rebasing Re-applying local commits on top of the latest changes from an upstream repository
Merging Combining two branches into one
Concurrent Changes Changes made by multiple developers to the same code simultaneously
Non-Fast-Forward Updates Changes in the upstream repository that don’t build upon the current tip of the local branch
History Rewriting Rewriting the commit history to incorporate new changes

This article has covered the topic of conflicts during rebasing or merging in Git comprehensively. By following the guidelines and best practices outlined, you’ll be able to resolve conflicts with ease and maintain a clean and linear commit history.

Frequently Asked Question

Conflicts in Git can be frustrating, but understanding the reasons behind them can help you navigate the process with ease!

Why do I get conflicts when trying to rebase or merge from upstream?

You might get conflicts when trying to rebase or merge from upstream because your local changes are incompatible with the changes made in the upstream repository. This can happen when you’ve made changes to the same files or lines of code as someone else in the upstream repository.

Can changes to the same file but different lines cause conflicts?

Yes, even if you’ve made changes to different lines within the same file, conflicts can still arise. Git checks for changes at the line level, so if the lines you’ve changed are nearby or overlap with the changes made in the upstream repository, conflicts can occur.

What if I’ve deleted a file that’s been modified in the upstream repository?

Aha! That’s a recipe for conflict! If you’ve deleted a file locally, but it’s been modified in the upstream repository, Git won’t know what to do when you try to rebase or merge. You’ll need to resolve the conflict by either keeping the local deletion or incorporating the upstream changes.

Can I avoid conflicts by always rebasing instead of merging?

Not exactly! While rebasing can help keep your local history linear, it doesn’t eliminate conflicts altogether. You’ll still need to resolve conflicts when rebasing if your local changes are incompatible with the upstream changes.

How can I minimize conflicts when working with upstream repositories?

To minimize conflicts, try to keep your local changes up-to-date with the upstream repository by regularly pulling and rebasing or merging. You can also use tools like `gitk –all` or `git log` to visualize your commit history and identify potential conflicts before they arise.

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