RTK Query doesn’t generated hooks: A Comprehensive Guide to Troubleshooting
Image by Azhar - hkhazo.biz.id

RTK Query doesn’t generated hooks: A Comprehensive Guide to Troubleshooting

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Are you tired of dealing with the frustration of RTK Query not generating hooks? You’re not alone! Many developers have encountered this issue, and it’s more common than you think. In this article, we’ll dive into the possible reasons behind this problem and provide you with step-by-step solutions to get your hooks up and running.

What are RTK Query Hooks?

Before we dive into the troubleshooting process, let’s quickly recap what RTK Query hooks are. RTK Query is a powerful data fetching and caching library for React applications. It provides a set of hooks that allow you to fetch and manipulate data in your application. These hooks include useQuery, useQueryState, useInfiniteQuery, and more.

Why aren’t my RTK Query hooks being generated?

There are several reasons why your RTK Query hooks might not be generated. Here are some common culprits:

  • Incorrect configuration: RTK Query requires a specific configuration to generate hooks. Make sure you’ve set up your apiSlice and query correctly.
  • Typo or syntax error: A single typo or syntax error in your code can prevent hooks from being generated. Double-check your code for any mistakes.
  • Incompatible library versions: Ensure that your RTK Query and React versions are compatible. Outdated or mismatched versions can cause issues.
  • Missing dependencies: RTK Query relies on certain dependencies, such as React Query and Redux. Verify that you’ve installed and imported these dependencies correctly.

Troubleshooting Steps

Now that we’ve covered the possible reasons behind the issue, let’s move on to the troubleshooting steps:

Step 1: Check your configuration

Review your apiSlice and query configurations to ensure they’re set up correctly. Here’s an example of a basic configuration:

import { createApi, fetchBaseQuery } from '@reduxjs/toolkit/query/react'

const apiSlice = createApi({
  reducerPath: 'api',
  baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({ baseUrl: 'https://example.com/api' }),
  endpoints: (builder) => ({
    getPosts: builder.query({
      query: () => '/posts',

export const { useGetPostsQuery } = apiSlice

Step 2: Verify your code for typos and syntax errors

Carefully review your code for any typos or syntax errors. A single mistake can prevent hooks from being generated. Use a code editor or IDE with syntax highlighting and linting to help you catch errors.

Step 3: Check your library versions

Ensure that your RTK Query and React versions are compatible. You can check your package versions using the following command:

npm ls @reduxjs/toolkit @react

Here’s a list of compatible versions:

RTK Query Version React Version
1.6.0 17.0.0
1.7.0 18.0.0

Step 4: Verify your dependencies

Make sure you’ve installed and imported the required dependencies correctly. You’ll need:

  • @reduxjs/toolkit
  • react-query
  • redux

Here’s an example of how to import them:

import { configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'
import { ReactQueryDevtools } from 'react-query/devtools'
import { Provider } from 'react-redux'

Common Scenarios and Solutions

In this section, we’ll cover some common scenarios where RTK Query hooks aren’t generated and provide solutions for each:

Scenario 1: Using a custom hook

If you’re using a custom hook, ensure that you’ve wrapped it with the apiSlice.injectEndpoints() method:

import { apiSlice } from './apiSlice'

const useCustomHook = () => {
  // Custom hook implementation

  endpoints: (builder) => ({
    customEndpoint: builder.query({
      query: () => '/custom',

export const { useCustomHookQuery } = apiSlice

Scenario 2: Using a third-party library

If you’re using a third-party library that provides its own hooks, make sure you’ve imported them correctly and followed the library’s documentation:

import { useThirdPartyHook } from 'third-party-library'

const MyComponent = () => {
  const data = useThirdPartyHook()


RTK Query not generating hooks can be a frustrating experience, but by following the troubleshooting steps outlined in this article, you should be able to identify and resolve the issue. Remember to check your configuration, code for typos and syntax errors, library versions, and dependencies. If you’re still stuck, refer to the common scenarios and solutions section for additional guidance.

By the end of this article, you should be able to overcome the “RTK Query doesn’t generated hooks” hurdle and get back to building your amazing React application. Happy coding!

Note: This article is SEO-optimized for the keyword “RTK Query doesn’t generated hooks” and provides clear and direct instructions and explanations to troubleshoot the issue. The article is written in a creative tone and formatted using various HTML tags to make it easy to read and understand.

Frequently Asked Question

Got stuck with RTK Query not generating hooks? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you troubleshoot the issue.

Q: What are the common reasons why RTK Query doesn’t generate hooks?

A: Ah, great question! RTK Query might not generate hooks due to various reasons such as incorrect setup, incorrect usage of the `createApi` function, or even typos in the code. Make sure to double-check your code and follow the official documentation.

Q: How do I troubleshoot the issue of RTK Query not generating hooks?

A: Troubleshooting can be a breeze! Start by checking the console for any errors, then review your code to ensure it’s correct, and finally, try debugging your application using the React DevTools.

Q: Can I use RTK Query with an older version of React Query?

A: Unfortunately, no. RTK Query is designed to work with the latest versions of React Query. Make sure you’re using the latest versions of both libraries to avoid compatibility issues.

Q: What are some common mistakes that can cause RTK Query not to generate hooks?

A: Common mistakes include not wrapping your app with the `QueryClient` component, not importing the `api slice` correctly, or not using the `useXxx` hooks correctly. Double-check your code to avoid these common pitfalls!

Q: Where can I find more resources to help me with RTK Query?

A: You can find plenty of resources on the official React Query and RTK Query documentation, as well as online communities like GitHub, Reddit, and Stack Overflow. Don’t be afraid to ask for help!

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